ZAGE® for HR Execs

Why Your Company Needs ZAGE®?

Your organization’s employees are your most valuable resource. Balancing the demands your employees have at work with caregiving responsibilities can be detrimental to productivity.

This is where ZAGE comes in to help.

Your employees will be able to spend more time focused on work, with the help of ZAGE

Employees download the ZAGE App through the Apple Store or
Google Play. Once registered they can search for our fully trained
and certified ZAGEPros – On Demand!

ZAGEPros can help with:

Booking and paying for a ZAGEPro is seamless and secure through PayPal within the ZAGE App.

Providing freedom and peace of mind for your employees with caregiver responsibilities will add significant value to your existing benefits package!

Contact our Team to Find Out More